Informal Support Groups
for those caring for someone with a Memory Disorder
Priscilla Groh, Founder/President of Cheering for Charity Foundation, conducts once a month support groups in the West Chester, Westside and Loveland areas. Priscilla cared for her mother, Helen, for 9 years and has experienced the hardships and stress of watching a loved one battle Alzheimer's.
Join her and attendees as they:
Exchange practical information on caregiving problems and possible solutions
Talk through challenges and ways of coping
Share feelings, needs and concerns
Learn about resources available
In person
Second Wednesday of every month
7:00 pm
Artis Senior Living of Bridgetown
5799 Bridgetown Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45248
Please RSVP: 513.832.1597
In person
Third Wednesday of every month
7:00 pm
Magnolia Springs Senior Living
767 Loveland-Miamiville Road Loveland, OH 45140
Please RSVP: 513.774.9000
or email: